Prompt submitted by christian jace đź—ż

A person wakes up in confusion to find that their pet has turned into a human.

Where’s my cat?

Jasper started the day as usual with a mug of steaming hot coffee to wake himself up. While his was waiting for the coffee to kick in he busied himself with opening a tin of cat food for Micah. As he turned round to put the food in his bowl he stopped, noticing that Micah hadn’t touched his dinner from the night before. Something was very wrong! Usually Micah would be all over Jasper when he heard his food being opened. Where was that cat? Come to think of it, Jasper hadn’t seen Micah all morning. He grabbed a bag of cat treats from the shelf and began shouting Micah's name in an attempt to lure him out of hiding. Jasper looked out the kitchen window half expecting to see a ginger streak in the garden as his tabby cat came bounding in to the get a treat. Where was he?

A blonde guy who Jasper had never seen before came stumbling into the room, yawning.

"Mornin'" he mumbled.

The men stared at each other, confused for a few moments before finally regaining their senses. Jasper was the first to move. He instinctively dropped his hand to the counter top, looking for something to defend himself with. His hand closed around thehandle of something, a knife? When he pulled his hand up, he realised that he had picked up a spatula, not a knife. Hardly a very intimidating weapon but it would have to do.

Jasper swung the spatula in what he hoped was an Intimidating fashion yelling:

"Get the hell out my house!"

The Intruder stared at Jasper wide eyed. The ginger cat ears on top of the guy's head which Jasper had thought was just some weird accessory, pricked up.

"Jasper, wait! It’s me! It’s Micah!”

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