The seat on the left is currently empty. Create a character to fill the seat and write a story involving the two characters.
The German Bakery
I sit down at my favorite seat. The gorgeous letters appear before me. I wait patiently as my dear Susan is coming to meet me. I know she will be here any minute, she’s always running late. *Ten minutes pass.* She seems to be extra late today so I will order for us. I know her favorite, oh yes the sugar cookie, plain but her favorite. “I will take three smiley face sugar cookies please and oh two chocolate cupcakes ma’am.” “Yes sir. Mr. Noman, would you like to sit in here today or...” “Oh no thank you. You are such a sweet young lady. What is your name again? But I’m going to stay outside I’m waiting for my wife Susan. She won’t like it if I’m inside when I should be waiting for her. I told her I would stay out there and she’s always getting on me about not keeping my promises so I’m gonna keep this one, easy enough?” “Oh ok, it’s charollette by the way.” I spill out seven seventy five out of my wallet and proceed to go out the front door. I see a woman pass by the bakery and I begin to call out her name, it’s Susan it looks just like her. But she continues to walk. “Susan! Susan! Where are you going?” I chase after her but my bad hip keeps me from going too far. “Susan! Susan! Stop! I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you to get her before I ordered but I got what you like. Your favorite thing. Those smiley sugar cookies you are always asking for.” She continues to walk even though she’s close enough to hear me. I know she can get angry about these things but she doesn’t have to ignore me. Sometimes her silence scares me more than when she’s yelling at me. I’m almost caught up to her because she’s got a bad foot but as soon as I reach her I pull her arm. “Ahhhh. What are you doing? I’m not your damn Susan please leave me alone.” “Oh I’m so sorry ma’am I didn’t realize.” I was sure it was her. Well I guess she’s taking longer than expected. I wabble back to the seats right outside the bakery as I peek around me. Everyone was starin at me and that woman that I grabbed, on accident I don’t go around grabbing ladies I really thought she was my wife. I finally settle in my seat when a beautiful young lady walks up to me with a concerned face. “Dad, what did I tell you about leaving the house?” “I’m a grown adult I can leave the house whenever I want.” “Dad, but I told you. Ok come on we need to go home.” She pulls around my arm and we start walking but I pull back. “No I have to wait for Susan. She will be mad if I leave her here.” “Oh Dad. Mom died three years ago.”