Who is Kiyomi and what motivates him throughout the story?
Kiyomi, also called Kiyo is the main character. This story is told from 4 different POV’s, but Kiyomi’s is the main POV that you hear the story from. He is the third born of his father, Vayshaw Grimmis, leader of House Grimmis’ 4 sons.
Kiyo is a large darskinned young man, as are most members of House Grimmis. He’s a aetherborn which is basically a human but a little more evolved due to mana mutation. As a aetherborn he has an arté, which doesn’t allow him to feel sensation. Aetherborn have great difficulty with magic. This makes Kiyo learn how to fight with weapons instead of magic at a very young age. He hurt himself a lot by accident in his early adolescence due to his lack of pain threshold and to protect him from himself his mother made him an amulet that doesn’t come off unless she commands it. The amulet heals all injuries and ailments, majority of the time instantaneously. This molds Kiyo’s fighting style which consists of fearless, beserker like attacks and little defense.
At the beginning of the story Kiyo your average college student, as far as personality goes, and soon to be soldier that he was bred for. He would one day lead armies and win wars as his predecessors had before him. He is kind and protective of the weak as his mother taught him, but also very sarcastic and irratable which comes from a good place and doesn’t change much throughout the story. Kiyomi loves his family very much and doesn’t value anything more than that, he’d go to battle with a king for his family as he almost does at the beginning of the story with King Midos. After the death of his family he becomes very unwelcoming and cold to strangers and doesn’t trust anyone but his brothers. He broods a lot often think of hos family and the guilt he feels about the attack on them.
When his family is attacked, he and his brothers flee but return and find out that Midos is responsible causing him to focus all his intentions on killing Midos and nothing else, though making sure his brothers are ok is a second priority.