Shadow People

Leaves crunched under my feet as a walked along the path. A harsh breeze hit my face like cold sandpaper. I hated it. I hated everything about this, about anything really. Another breeze, this time blowing leaves up off the side walk. But it was different, I was sure of it. The breeze’s kept coming, each feeling slightly off. Then it all stoped. The wind was gone. A thick and sudden wall of fog settled around me making it difficult to see more than six feet ahead. Out of the corner of my eye I thought saw something, a black figure of some sort. I didn’t want to look back. It couldn’t have really been there. “I’m going mental.” I kept walking with an uncomfortable sense that I was being watched. Then I saw it again and this time I was sure it was real. I black and slender figure, almost like a shadow moved past me. I stood there frozen, in fear, in shock, in utter disbelief. I tried to talk but it was as if the fog was choking me making it impossible to make even the slightest sound. I felt a chill down my back spreading from one area of my body to the next like a cold breath. I turned around and saw the figure right behind me. It slowly placed a long, slender finger on my lips. I started into its hollow soulless eyes. As I faced it I could feel all of the warmth I had left drain from my body. I looked around, still not fully comprehending the situation and noticed that we were not alone. About fifty of them stood behind us, watching, waiting.

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