Write a description of the feeling of drifting off to sleep.

You could use metaphorical or poetic language, or you could use comparisons and contrast to describe this feeling.

Drifting Off To Dreamland

Drifting off to Dreamland, what a wonderful thing

I relax my muscles, my fingers start to zing

I lie there, thinking about what my night will bring

Drifting off to Dreamland, the best feeling

Drifting off to Dreamland, the crickets buzzing away

I listen as I fall asleep, leaves in the trees, how they sway

My dreams take me to places, I move along my merry way

Drifting off to Dreamland, staying there ‘till break of day

Drifting off the Dreamland, my bed a fluffy cloud

The sky outside is darkness, the Sun hidden ‘neath a shroud

My brain is shutting down, no more noises to be found

Drifting off to Dreamland, my imagination’s crowd

Drifting off to Dreamland, breathing deep to relax

Nothing is tense, every part of me left slack

I think about things, as I lie there, waiting to hit the sack

Drifting off to Dreamland, never to come back

Drifting off to Dreamland, I wander wild and free

I feel nothing, I am thoroughly sleepy

I return to my mind’s eye, my thoughts all muddy

Drifting off to Dreamland, what will I see?

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