©2016-2019 RavenCorona - @ravencorona

Write a story or poem set during this battle

The Abolition Of Nature

When their earth had turned against them, the Nai-er nations met with their scientists for one desperate attempt at reclaiming their biosphere. They would take evolution in to their own hands, merging their dying animals with a new science of artificial protien synthesis to keep them resilient and reproducing, thus the food industry would survive. First it was the insects when the summer heat raised miasma, and the flowers were left untouched in bloom. The farmers took on debt as their orchard fruit grew in accordance with their payments. All was balance upon a metallic wing.

A generation would go by and this artificial autobiomism became a mainstay to stave off animal extinction. An industry of rewriting proteins to fix failing flowers, fruits, and fauna to resist the pollution and the ever growing heat of the sun.

When the farms from the furthest reaches could not pay, starvation and agitation and war began. So the Nai-er unleashed the dogs of war, built bigger stronger beasts of metal frame and iron teeth. They gave their beasts minds of animals, leashed at their command. Victory was assured until nature took its course. Infection from a meningococcal virus had interacted with one of the autobio proteins and entered into the reproductive cycle of the war dogs. They had become good at disobeying. At first it was only the enemies, then one final victory against the starving masses and they turned agains their creators.

Their wolf nature had returned, now fused with their war built artifice, the apex predators had returned to claim their planet. The apocalypse of tooth and claw came with a glint of intellect. The nai-er were unprepared and their warriors turned themselves into machines to prevent their own annihilation. However the canines were breeding, evolving at a rate beyond what was ever seen before. The showdown would devastate the western continent, both species destroyed and unable to function as the cities and labs that built them were destroyed. Few of the nai-er survived and less of the mechanical wolves. Now their planet rests, awaiting the day when life may return again

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