Everything Has A Place

Puzzles. Oh so common in the world today. Every single thing, in all of existence, has it’s own place in the universe. Take humans, for example. Humans are but small cells, each their own independent factory, functioning independently of each other. These cells produce rapidly, and such growth causes cancer cells. These cancer cells are then killed by other cells, which are part of a system that allows the human to survive. There are other systems, too. All are made of cells, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle, each having it’s own place in the body of a human. A human.. like you, perhaps. You are a puzzle, one that, no doubt, is missing a few pieces. No human is a complete puzzle, and you are no different. The pieces missing may differ, yet you all are the same. Cells built in cells built on cells. You, even if you do not know, are a puzzle, and you are a piece of a much larger puzzle. Perhaps it is.. your family? Or your neighborhood? Or your town, or your city, or your country, or your continent? Or even your whole world. You are a puzzle that is a piece in a much larger puzzle. You will fit with some, but not others, because every piece is unique in its own, very special way.

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