Submitted by Oddity
Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.
This could be real or metaphorical.
Protection and My Jail
Fragile, that’s me.
Floating away past sea and trees.
Up in the air with all my cares iridescent and adhered to me.
I can see them, but they don’t see me. At least not really or truly.
I dare not push for I will pop and I do not know what will happen then.
I long to taste the cool sweet air, not this soapy film covering body and hair.
I remember not how or when I found myself inside this sphere, who put me here? Who left me there? I’ll never know, but I do care.
For I’m alone inside a bubble, I mean no harm, I want no trouble. But I’m alone and I am scared, this thin casing is my protection and my jail.
I dare not leave for if I do a breakdown is imminent this is true.
So please do not pop me, leave me be, I may be alone and I may not be free, but this is my home and inside it is me.