Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.


Empty. Vacant. Unoccupied. Bare. Blank. Desolate would describe his shallow eyes best.

Lonely. Saddened. Isolated. Forlorn. Desolate would describe his expression best.

Frightening. Intimidating. Horrifying. Scary. Desolate would describe what people think of him best.

But not me. I pity him. I have empathy.

What must have happened to him in the past to make him look this way?

Did his pretty lady dump him?

Was he cursed as a baby?

Has he been through _this_ much?

Poor man.

How do you feel for him? Look hard. Look behind the scenes. Look behind his eyes. What do you see? Have you even made the attempt to talk to him? Or have you judged him based on his looks? How about maybe judging him based on someone else’s story of him? Maybe the prompt words, claiming you need to write a Halloween story of him.

But is it who he is?

Now take a look around you. How many people do you know that are bullied because of their looks? How about because of the stories people told about them, being false.

Give them a chance. Be a friend to the friendless. Maybe they’re desolate.

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