The Cloud Catcher

The endless sands stretch further than distant lands. Crowned atop the dunes, a ramshackle city parts the dried blue sky from the grainy desert beneath. The buildings are composed of clay, rusting metal, and petrified wood; The sun grates against objects causing them to decay in malnourished ways.

Casting a shadow over the sand, A cloud drifts to the city. The people are ecstatic at the miracle.

Within the dark intestines and alleys of the city, a pickpocket sneaks into his home: A fortification from the world. Constructed of cheap sheets of metal and leftover boards, the abode is stashed under the shadows of the larger buildings around it. Other clumsily-made tents are position far away, but no other is as strategically placed as this one.

Jingling silver chimes in the hut, He returns back, with stolen goods in hand, to his shack. He places a berries, copper pieces, and wood in a pile. His haul wasnโ€™t bad, but other days were more rewarding. Gliding his hand along shelves, he feels his most valuable treasures: A golden device stolen from a watchmaker, Sweet incense that was at a temple, jars of animal bones from the shaman, and a painting of a young women. He wasnโ€™t sure where he got that one.

Suddenly, he hears people cheering from the street above; It was a joyous cheer that filled the dark paths below the city. The boy knew those sound all too well. Hastening his pace, He began placing empty jugs in the center of the room. He looks up, awaiting.

A small hole in the top, where glistening light spears through, is directly under the chanting. He pears through the opening with only one he being able to see through.

In the sapphire skies, he sees material of a dream; A person flies in the sky with a wooden glider. Spiraling in the air, the person goes into the sky, beyond the limit of reach.

Near a singular cloud, the flying person begins to waft the fluffy white with an intricately-crafted fan. Almost magically, the cloud begins to spills its liquid to the street below. The crowd is euphoric.

Trickling through the small hole, the pickpocket fills each jug up one after another. They fill to the top and almost spill over. He carefully makes use of each one before the waterโ€™s pace subsides. He has enough water for a month. Finally relaxing on stiff cloth, he takes a swig from one of the several jugs.

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