I Didn’t Want It To End Like This

As I walk down the stairs into the ballroom, I’m blown away by how beautiful everything looks. Although I’m here to spy, I can’t help but take a moment to savor the grandeur and the ceremony that goes along with tonight.

Everyone is in beautiful ball gowns or crisp, well pressed suits, and every one of them wears a masquerade mask over their face. Tonight is the one time where I could slip into an event like this, since anyone can be anyone, our identities safely hidden behind bright colors and jewels.

I’m here against the orders of my commander, and against the orders given to me by my own common sense, and yet here I am anyway. It’s more than likely a trap, and more than likely one set up specifically for me besides, but I’ve walked into the lion’s mouth and come out just fine before. This time should be no different.

Despite my efforts to stay relatively under the radar, my presence draws everyone’s attention. Maybe it’s the confidence I carry myself with or maybe it’s the unmistakable grace in my step as I glide down the staircase, trailing a hand lightly along the mahogany banister. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, several people try to catch my eye, and I decide that it would be a good idea to dance with someone. That is what people do at a masquerade ball after all.

A gentleman wearing a fox themed costume makes his way over to me, smiling at me a bit too easily, as if I’ll fall for for his charm the second we start dancing. I certainly have an arrogant amount of confidence in myself, but in order to not draw too much suspicion to myself I have to at least pretend that this man doesn’t absolutely repulse me.

“I can’t help but notice how beautiful you are. Tell me, does a lady like you perhaps have a dance to spare for me?”

Remember why you’re here, I remind myself. This isn’t a time to show your true colors, not unless you want to get a one way ticket to the Facility that is. Keeping those thoughts firmly towards the front of my mind, I smile. “You’re in luck, I haven’t found anyone to dance with yet. I guess you’re the first in line. Hopefully your dancing skills are as good as your compliments.”

He chuckles at that. “I can assure you, you won’t be disappointed. I’m Thomas by the way, so that way you can know the name of the person with dancing prowess that will blow you away.”

Oh my god, he really is that cocky. Well, I could probably use that to my advantage.

“And I’m Jessica, someone who’s not easy to impress. After all, I have incredibly high standards.” Saying that, I take his hand when he offers it to me and I let him lead me onto the dance floor. He’ll be much more likely to confide in me if he thinks he’s the one with the control. He’s not, but my best option right now is to stroke his ego.

The waltz begins, and almost immediately I notice that he wraps his hand a little too tightly around my waist, being creepily possessive. His other hand rests on my shoulder, his fingers squeezing my shoulder blade. While I’m confident that I could take him down, and have him lying on the floor begging for his life in a manner of seconds, I know I can’t do it without blowing my cover. I’m only a couple minutes into pretending to be cooperative and accommodating and I already feel like choking the breath out of someone; it’s surprising just how little patience I actually have.

He steps in time with the music, forcing me to follow, and making me more and more uncomfortable by the second.

“There’s something unusual about you, something I can’t quite place my finger on. You’re so confident, oh how I’d love to change that. Even a beautiful thing like you should be reminded of your place every once in a while.”

His hand that rests on my waist starts creeping downward as he starts to not so subtly try and grope me.

“Kindly move your hand before I break it.” I say, still smiling.

That just makes him chuckle and move his hand even farther downward. This time, before I can protest, he kisses me, forcing me to stay still with his surprisingly strong grip. Now I genuinely am nervous, as I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either I maintain my cover and basically let myself be assaulted, or I show this prick exactly who he’s messing with and then get dragged away by a slew of guards.

As I’m about to decide to make this man cry out in pain for daring to treat me so rudely, I hear a familiar but incredibly unexpected voice from over my shoulder.

“The lady is clearly uncomfortable, so leave her alone and don’t try to force yourself on anyone else. Of course, if you don’t then I could always report your less than savory behavior to the guards and have you blacklisted from ever attending a similar event again. It’s honestly up to you but I would recommend the first option, just because the second one will likely end up with at least one of your bones being broken.”

He stops kissing me, but still keeps me pressed firmly against his body. “Who do you think you are, some little knight in shining armor? Go away and find something better to do with your time, smart boy.” He says all of that without turning around, but the second he does, his tone changes. “Oh, I’m sorry sir, I didn’t realize it was you. I’ll leave now.”

Turning to face Peter, I glimpse the unmistakable sapphire pin sparkling on his tie and a surge of hurt and anger goes through me. How could he; how could he agree to be the personal advisor to the Queen?

Thomas leaves, thankfully, and I just stand there, staring at Peter and waiting for an explanation.

“Jessa, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but it was the only way I could think of to find a way back to you. I thought that I could find you this way, that I could give you the world like you’ve always deserved. All of this, every last bit, I did it for you. Please, please believe me.”

Even through his lion themed mask, I can see the tears in his eyes, and there’s no mistaking the desperation in his voice. Almost instantly my anger melts away, I couldn’t stay mad at him for long.

“Of course I believe you.” I murmur softly, practically falling into his arms in relief. Having him here is better than I could ever imagine, and now that he’s here I finally feel safe, even content.

“Jessa my love, would you do me the honor of taking the next dance with me?”

“I’ll take all of the dances with you if you wish, I’ll stay with you for as long as you’ll have me.”

He smiles at me, a real smile, as he leads me to the very center of the dance floor and takes my hand.

This time the waltz feels different; the steps feel comforting rather than constraining. For a few minutes, I’m at peace with myself and the world around me. Suddenly it doesn’t matter why I came here or what I set out to do while everyone else was dancing. All that matters is that Peter and I are together.

After a few more dances, he pulls me close and kisses me, holding onto me for dear life. We’ve both missed each other so much but we also know that I’ll have to leave soon so that I don’t get caught. Our world is much too complicated for this reunion to be permanent and that’s what hurts the most.

As we break apart, he passes me a note, telling me to read it once I get back to the base and I tell him I will. And, with tears streaming down my face, I walk out of the ballroom and into the night.

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