'And as the waves return to the sea, so the words give way to silence.'
Write a poem on a theme of your choosing, that concludes with this line.
Sedimentary Stone.
The outline of your jaw
tells me stories I spend days questioning.
Your tongue, my mind
makers of their own demise.
All I ever ask for is honesty-
When the dark parts of you
encased your spine
leaving you without a backbone
I was still here, holding you up.
But you chose deceit instead of honor.
These lies they spill from your mouth
like the trickling of a well
and I am consumed by the sound.
Repeating and repeating-
How can you not see the impact?
You are an ocean of love for me
but cannot seem to keep me from drowning-
I cannot trust a goddamn thing
And as the waves return to the sea,
your words give way to silence.