
“I mean, do you have _anything_ in common?”

“Of course we do. We like the same breakfast foods, and last year when I went to Germany, she was there, too.”

“Did you meet there?”

“No. We just happened to both be there. Fate?”

“Or coincidence. Do you like the same movies? She’s been my friend since middle school, you know.”

“We do! And of course I know that. And about her exes. And I’m the best match. The best pick. You know why? Because she loves me the most. She told me she hasn’t loved anybody more than me. And that’s what matters, not what you, or anyone else thinks. And she’d tell you the same. So mind yourself, Leann, or there’ll be consequences.”

“She’s coming back from the bathroom now.”

“Ah, Mona! We’re getting along so nicely!”

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