‘Although I couldn’t see, something told me that I definitely wasn’t alone in the cellar.’

Write a short story that opens with this line.

You’re Special

“Although I couldn’t see, something told me that I definitely wasn’t alone in the cellar.”

I hear footsteps going around me until they stop. Suddenly a spark of fire appeared in front of my face and in front of the fire I see a girl. She had blond hair that look like she got into a fight. Her white skin face had dirt. Her green eyes were dull, but I thought I could see her green eyes shine through a little bit. And finally her smile looked like a smirk and sinister one. She walks backwards with that smile still there. My eyes follow her and I see on the left side of her is a leaver. She pulls it down and a single light in the cellar on top turns on.

She moves back to me and her smile goes back to natural smile. “I have never seen you before. Who are you?” Her voice was hoarse and sounded almost like a witch. “My name is Penny.” I said. I look at her with unease. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Penny. I’m Cassandra. You must be the one the voices told me about.” She starts a creepy laugh.

I look down at her pocket and see her pulling a knife, but before I could react she runs up and stabs me in my right shoulder. I scream out in pain as I run backwards. I look around to see if there’s a key or something that could get me away from this crazy lady. “Come back, Penny. We just getting to know each other. And I think you’re really special. And besides it only hurts for a few minutes and you’ll be done.” She rushes up to me again and as much I tried to dodge her punch, she was too fast.

I fell to the ground and the world started spinning around. My eyes blurred as I see the lady walking up towards me singing My Sunshine. I start to scream,as she stabs me. I try calling for help, but no one came.

As I start to see black, my screams start to slowly get quieter until I her say”You’re special.” And I stop screaming and seeing black.

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