Dear Graduates

Well, looking back at it now it’s so weird to think that this used to look so far away. That this used to be a fantasy and we’d think how much we wanted to grow up. But the truth is, we wasted half of our time wishing that we were older and from now on we’re probably going to wish we were younger. But that’s okay, it’s a game everyone plays unintentionally. Fortunately we have so much to look forward to. We have so many years ahead of us. It may suck for years but eventually it’ll get better. One day.

Lastly I want to say congratulations on completing four years of hard work, and sleepless nights. You made it. We made it! Now when we’re off to college it’s going to get worse but once it’s over it’ll be worth it. My last word of advice, be hard on yourself but not too hard that it’s impossible.

*everyone throws their hats in the air

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