

I wake slowly


I slowly lift my head up


The voice fades off

A dream, you think

You check your phone

2:28 a.m.

It’s early

Really early

Head back down

Drift back to sleep


Eyes open

Another dream? You think

You check the time

2:28 a.m.

It’s early


It’s takes a moment…

Drift off to sleep


Eyes shoot open

Head goes up


It is no longer a whisper

You check the time

2:28 a.m.

_The same time, _you think

A little frightened, you drift back asleep

“Kate! Kate! kate! Listen to me Kate!”

Not a whisper

Not a whisper at all

A yell,

A piercing,

Horrifying yell

Head shoots up quickly

Your sweating

Just a dream you think

Your sweaty hands grab your phone

You check the time

2:28 a.m.


You breath heavy

“What is that…” you whisper

“What is th-“ your cut off


it never ends

“Kate, Kate, Kate”

You push your hands over your ears

You scream,

And scream,

And scream

It doesn’t stop,

It won’t stop,


A dream. A dream. a dream. A dream. A dream! you think

This isn’t a dream…


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