Love makes time pass... time makes love pass.
This is a Chiasmus - when words or phrases are repeated in reverse order to have different meanings. Write a poem that includes a chiasmus.
A Little Thought
Don’t you ever wonder
The reason why we’re here?
Don’t you ever ponder
Why there’s so many things to fear?
Snakes, spiders, the monster under the bed
But some fear other things instead
The reaching arms of the shadows cling to the weaknesses we own
They pull it, drain it, take advantage of it
And when it’s sucked out of you, you’re nothing but a clone
Our feet pitter patter against the rough and rocky ground like the rain of feelings, emotions, pain chorusing through our heads
We are one
Like millions of little orbs of light, making up the summer sun
I’m like you, you’re like me
Truth isn’t bad, and bad isn’t the truth
This is all I have to say
Goodbye, and have a wonderful, confusing day