“My mum always said not to talk to strangers. It’s a good thing I didn’t listen to her.”
Write a story that includes this piece of speech.
(Don’t) Trust Strangers
“I’ll be back.”
Sora watched as Syrah slipped through the door and disappeared into the corridor.
The singular light highlighted the emptiness of the room, now devoid of Syrah’s livelyness. The silence pounded against her ears, beckoning her towards the door.
It wasn’t that that she didn’t _want_ to trust Syrah, but it was more like she couldn’t. They just made it impressively hard to do so. They were too witty for her to tell if they were even serious half the time.
Even Enan had taken to treading lightly, which was overly cautious, especially for him.
So Sora followed them.
She slipped into the musty hall, not bothering with the lights behind her. She went left, towards the exit. No doubt that’s where Syrah was heading.
Was it a good idea? No. Did she know better? Probably. Did she care? Sure, but not enough to supress her curiosity.
She wove her way through the halls, dim lights flickering through as she went. The ground was dry for a change, clean even. It was a stark contrast to the slums outside, with their humid air and drunkards roaming the streets.
She emerged from the building, slipping out between a couple of old boxes and dumpsters. The street the dingy, and smelled even worse. Sora could hear the faint groan of hunger from behind her. She hurried in the opposite direction.
Evidently, Sora hadn’t been far behind Syrah, as she heard their voice coming from around the corner. Crouching behind another dumpster, she crept towards their voice.
“-offering for it?” Syrahs voice came into earshot, but their voice was still low.
A man grunted. “Boy, I think you misunderstand who has the power here.”
Sora peeped around the corner. Syrah had their back to her, but they were wearing a large jacket with the hood up, concealing their face and figure. The gruff voicr belonged to a man in front of them, also in a cloak. But Sora could still see his collar, all gold trim and neat buttons.
She bit her lip. An Officer this low was bad. And Syrah was _negotiating_ with them. The enemy. The ones who caused her — hell, all of them — so much pain.
“Sir, do you think I’ve gotten this fair by playing by your rules?” Syrah’s voice was laced with poison.
Sora could see Syrah tense. She pulled back. There was only one way this would go, knowing Syrah. And it wouldn’t be pretty.
At least she knew Syrah hated them as much as she did.
“This isn’t a request, this is a de-“
A low grown escaped the officers mouth, proceeded by a resounding thud.
Sora let her breath go. She made to stood up, but a new voice stopped her.
“Trading secrets now, are we?” Enan passed behind Sora, and stepped into the wider street.
Her thoughts froze. Her limbs wouldn’t move. She hadn’t heard Enan at all before now.
“He donated, actually,” Syrah turned to face Enan. “Didn’t think you’d hide behind a child.”
Sora whipped her head around to look at them.
“Sorry squirt.” Syrah spared her an apologetic glance.
Syrah was right. She was _not_ cut out for this.
“You going to explain yourself?” Enan’s tone was even, but his eyes were a storm.
“A deal I made a while back.” Syrah gestured to the downed officer. “Little one-sided obviously.”
“You just make deals with strangers?” Enans brows creased into a scowl.
“Yeah, my mom told me not to talk to strangers. Good thing I didn’t listen to her.” Syrah spun a blade through their fingers. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have met you!”
“Answer the question, Syrah,” Sora could hear anger in Enan’s voice now. She stood up. They couldn’t fight again. Not after last time.
“Oh, I think you already know, my dear mechanic.”
Sora shot them a look
“Syrah.” Enan’s voice felt sharp against her ears.
“Aw, don’t get so worked up.” Syrah really didn’t know when to stop. “Why are you do worried? Is it about your little drug adventures?”
Sora spun to face Enan. His face was pale.
“What did you tell him,” an urgency had entered Enan’s voice.
“Nothing, nothing.” Syrah spun the knife to their other hand. “Only that I had info.”
“And do you?”
Syrah paused. “Only what it is. And that you allegedly helped create it.”
Sora couldn’t take it anymore. “Will one if you fucking explain what ‘it’ is?!?”
Enan flinched. “A magic supressent.”
“It had terrible side affects though, so it’s illegal now.” Syrah shifted their weight to the wall. “But you know drugs. And their addicts.”
Syrah looked at Enan.
“Oh, ok, we’re just making claims now?” Enan looked hysteric.
“I dunno, why don’t yo-“
A crash in a the distance cut Syrah off.
They all looked towards the noise. Machinery and drones could be heard in the distance, and Sora saw a line of troops advancing.
Syrah paled.
“You didn’t disable his tracker did you.” Enan was reaching for his gun.