From The Fernwood To The Human Lands

The Fernwood, where Enwenna had spent her entire life, was a small woodland village full of cozy burrows, sweltering bakery’s, and several bottomless, green ponds with a thriving layer of duckweed. The mushrooms were abundant, and they spoke to Enwenna. She didn’t really understand them, as they had no use for modern language, but their souls were ancient. She missed them. The human lands of King Theodbert were barren and full of ridiculous, tyrannical laws like “property ownership”, and “capitalism”. It was a mess. The human men strutted around as if they themselves were all high and mighty, when it was the King who held any power. To make themselves feel as if they had a smidge of control though, they lorded themselves over the women, their tenants, their workers. Really, they took their unnamed anger out on anyone they deemed as “other”, such as Enwenna. Most humans weren’t accustomed to meeting rabbit-folk, let alone following them in rebellion.

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