Just Look Up

People were rushing around everywhere. It’s like they just got out of there cars and ran, they didn’t know where they were going, but they didn’t care. Just running and running, not one person would stop. It was like the only direction they knew of was forward. The city had been deserted. I was so distracted by everyone else, I had not even a single second to check what was actually happening, I just thought it would be best to run, and to not stop. However, It got to the point where a break was a necessity, I was struggling to catch my breath! Everything went quite, nothing could be heard, not even birds chirping or trees swaying in the hush wind. I stood there and didn’t move an inch. I very slowly looked up. My heart started racing and my legs were struggling to stay stood up. I was in so much shock that I couldn’t move, it was like I was frozen. It was the most unfortunate event that could ever happen in history, and it was coming straight for us.

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