Write a poem, with a set structure, which centres around the theme of confession.
I must confess
I must confess for those who will hear
For I have kept such a secret to myself
For I must share this secret
Many hide behind lies and a mask
Many take such secrets to the grave
Those of who do such things
Those of who keep such secrets
Must pay the price
Must hold such a burden for the secrets they hold
I do not wish to pay that price
I do not wish to keep my secrets hidden
But I mustn’t let these secrets go
But I wish to do so
Perhaps the price isn’t for the secrets of which are hidden
Perhaps they are for something different,
For the secrets that leave once the mask is lifted
For the secrets that shouldn’t have left the grave
Those confessions which should have never been confessed
Those confessions will cause such pain
Perhaps I don’t wish to confess
Or perhaps I don’t wish to feel such a pain
For all the burdens I must carry behind a mask
For all the secrets that I must carry to the grave
Are far less painful
Then these secrets being unmasked,
from the depths of my person
(Note: This is my second time writing this and I am writing this late at night so I apologize for any parts that might be confusing or hard to read)