Cat Brawl

The classroom was so silent you could hear a pin drop. The sound of a light breeze ran through it as the students waited absentmindedly for the teacher to return.

Most classes they would go nuts, let’s be honest. 3:3 was the most well-known class group in all the school ; and not for the right reasons.

To put into perspective for you, just last week Sam had a complete breakdown over a girl rejecting him and hurled a desk at Miss Doherty. Let’s just say he won’t be spending any Friday evenings at the movie-house anymore.

There was around 26 suckers in total, 12 girls and 14 boys. The girls weren’t much better.

A cat fight in the hallway resulted in a quick trip to the hospital.

The ladies bathrooms looked like something out of a World War One film.

Yet here they were, casually waiting for the teacher to return on a summers day. Those who sat by the window were lucky enough to stare out the window to watch the futile game of football below.

Finally, someone had had enough. Sam was the first to start. A decorated paper airplane soared overhead with speed and hit shy little Katie’s bowed head.

Giggling, she threw it back. Tina rolled her blue eyes in disgust, her long eyelashes touching her pencil thin eyebrows.

Sam wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he sure could woo a girl over if he wanted too.

This time, he ran his hand through his thick black hair and tossed the plane back. This back and forth exchange of flirting eventually stopped when Tina slammed her book down on the table loudly, envious.


She wasn’t really sorry, and it wasn’t just an accident. Katie knew damn well, but for once in her uneventful life she spoke up.


Tina eyes widened in shock at Katie’s response, but snapped back just as quickly.

“Nothing brat”

This time Katie had some fire in her words.

“Jealous much?”

Tina looked as if she was going to throw hands if she didn’t shut up soon.

“If you don’t shut your mouth I’ll shut it for you.”

“Go ahead then, I’ll return the favour since no one wants to hear your grating voice either.”

Tina stood up in rage, hard, her chair flying back.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?”

“An ugly cow maybe?”

Books were flying, desks pushed to the side as people scrambled to watch the fight break out.

Tina had her pinned down for one second, Katie was winning the other. Sam was red, jumping up and down, cheering for I don’t even know who. I mean so was everyone. Who dosent love a good scrap.

It was getting louder and louder as people began to flood in from other classrooms.

At this point it was an all out brawl. Others had jumped in to defend others and it was slowing moving in some sort of ravenous pack down the hall. All they could see was hair flying and legs jutting out.

The entire thing was utter chaos.

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