Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"Your time is up. Better run!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.
Let’s Play A Game
I awoke from my sleep like state to the sound of someone crying and another person begging them to stop. My head pounded , not sure why. I can’t recall what happened to me before waking. Then a voice came over a speaker. Oh good our final contestant is awake, the mysteriously familar voice said. It went on, Tonight you twelve have been chosen by the Authority to participate in a game.
A man to my left stood up and stated he wasn’t playing, which I thought was rather rash. We don’t know what the game is or what we stand to gain by winning. The voice interrupted my thoughts by saying, I thought there might be some confusion on if you had a choice or not. You don’t have to play but you will also be the first to die. A gasp went around the room. Silenced by the voice saying there are twelve trials to pass. Each harder then next, that will test your emotions, physical state, and mental mindset. You have 1 hour to complete each task. First one being simple, esacpe the building. Your time of waiting is now up, better run to make up lost time. The voice went silent as everyone started panicking.