
The Panthers were up a cool 20 points, and hardly anyone in the student section seemed worried about the team slipping up now. There was shuffling and squeaking on the floor below as we sat perched in the bleachers. The guys I was sitting with had all been cutting up and talking about last weekend, especially Cecile’s new purple skirt, whose length none of them seemed to take objection to.

We’d been at the game for about an hour, and the group was still back and forth on where we’d go for a bite and to hang afterward. Abe’s Chicken Shack was the usual but Riley heard through the grapevine that Heather Molly and Jessica would be at the new sliders joint tonight.

Little did Riley know I’d been texting Jessica most of the day, and off and on for the last couple of weeks. We’d exchanged numbers for a group project and stayed in touch since. It felt like ages when everyday I looked forward to hearing from her.

She’d told me yesterday she was definitely going to Abe’s tonight. The girls didn’t much care for the basketball games but they did make it their business to be somewhere after each game each Friday night.

While Riley and Luke talked about the party, I pulled my phone out and shot Jessica a message. “You still going to Abe’s tn? :)”. Concentrating probably too hard on the screen, I heard a little swoosh as the message sent.

Just as I looked up I saw Jaden Braxton pushing up the court, finding a line through the defense, and eventually laying up the ball. It missed. Coach gave a half-hearted clap of his hands and I couldn’t hear him but I’m sure he said something to the effect of: “That’s alright, we got em just don’t get arrogant.”

The Panthers crushed the other team with a 34 point lead. As we were stepping down the bleachers and leaving the gym, my right pocket buzzed. Jessica. I hurried to check the message then checked myself to make sure I didn’t look too excited.

“Heyyy I think we’re gonna hang at Molly’s and do a gurls night tn sorry :(”.

Now I really had to check myself so that I didn’t look too bummed. I’d been looking forward to seeing her tonight since we only really see each other in AP History and stupid Brian sits between us. I waited a minute or so then replied back “Oh cool you guys have fun see ya Monday!” and immediately felt like it was too corny.

We jumped in Luke’s Jeep and cruised toward Abe’s. A couple other folks from the game followed. We had the windows down even though it was a little cold for it. As we pulled into Abe’s I saw a Camry that looked a lot like the one Jessica drives, and wished it was hers. We walked toward the place, and I picked out our booth while the guys went order our usual. I shouted out to Riley to get extra ketchup.

As I sat down, I looked up and saw Heather and Molly across the restaurant with their boyfriends. They were in the big circular table in the corner. I found it weird that Ethan was there too, but dismissed it since he was on the soccer team with the boyfriends. Just as Riley and Luke sat down at the table, talking about some new video game they were playing, I’d noticed the bathroom door swing open in my peripherals.

She was wearing a cute green sweater, with blue jeans, and her hair was curled. As soon as I’d realized it was her, I’d started to get out of my side of the booth. She slid into her corner table. She sat right next to Ethan, and everything clicked. He wrapped his arm around her and I walked a shameful few feet back to my booth. Riley and Luke looked at me like I was stupid. I thought to myself, “she never curls her hair”.

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