The Big Change

Today is the day that my life will change forever. I had to make big changes in my life. I had to leave all behind. What it is you ask. Well lets go back a year ago.

So it just like any ordinary day. I woke up to a text from my boyfriend Dylan, telling me good morning just like aways. I text him back Good morning. Then he called me.

“Hello” I said

“Hi” Dylan said

“Not that I’m complaining but why are you calling me so early” I said

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that I’m coming to visit you after work” Dylan said

“Really, I miss seeing you” I said

“Yes really, I know I have been away for work but we got a break from filming and I need to come see you.” Dylan said

“I can’t wait” I said

I got off the phone and continue to get ready. I leave for work. It was the longest day ever. I couldn’t wait till later when Dylan come to see. I missed him so much. He has been away filming for a while now. The work day ended and I left to go home. I get to my house and let My dog out. My mom call.

“Hi mom” I said

“Hi, what are you doing today.” My mom said

“Well, I just got home from work and Dylan is coming in a little, he got a break from filming for a couple days.” I said

“Ok, well I have fun.” She said as hung up.

I go get a shower because I feel gross from work. When I get out of the shower Dylan texted me telling me he would be there soon. I texted back saying I can’t wait. I get dressed in something comfy because I don’t care what Dylan see. I have been dating him for a while and he has stayed over here when he is in town. I walk back down and check on my dog. I let him back inside. I go wait in the Living room and watch some tv till Dylan gets here. A few minutes later I fell asleep. The next thing I knew was that Dylan was next to me lifting my head up on his lap. I woke up

“Sorry babe, I didn’t mean to wake you” Dylan said

“That is ok, I’m glad you did.” I said

“I missed you so much” Dylan said

“I missed you, its been too long, I know we text all day and FaceTime every night before bed but that is not enough” I said

“I know, I’m sorry” Dylan said

“No its not your fault its your job.” I said

“I know but I’m still sorry” he said

“So, how long do I have you for” I asked

“All week my dear, All week” Dylan said

“For real, I get a whole week with you” I asked

“Yes, today is Friday, I don’t have to be back till next Friday” he said

I looked at Dylan and he looked at me. Then he kissed me hard. I missed those kisses.

“Oh how I missed those Lips” Dylan said

“ I did too” I said

“Did you eat dinner yet” Dylan asked

“No, I was waiting for you to get here” I said

“Do you want me to order something” Dylan asked

“Sure, I’m not really hungry” I said

“Ok, what would you like” Dylan asked

“Ummm, McDonalds” I said

“Sounds good” Dylan said

Dylan order the food. While we wait we sat on the couch cuddling.

“I miss doing this” I said

“Me too” Dylan said

The food came and Dylan went out to get it. I went to get the paper plates and Ketchup. We ate our food and watch a movie. Next thing I know I fell asleep again. Dylan woke me up and told me to to go to bed.

“I will go to bed if you come with me” I said

“ I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else” Dylan said

We went up to bed. Dylan kissed me goodnight and laid down next to me. I cuddle up to him and fell right to sleep. I had the best sleep that I had in a long time. Sleeping in Dylan’s arms is the best.

“Good morning baby” Dylan said

“Good morning sweetie” I said

“How did you sleep” Dylan asked

“Good, I always sleep good when you are here” I said

“Good” Dylan said

“How about you go shower and I will get breakfast ready” I said

“Ok” Dylan said

Dylan got up and Kissed me, then went to the bathroom. I went downstairs to start making breakfast. I got the eggs out and started to scramble them. I made bacon and toast. As I was cooking the egg I felt two arms wrapped around me.

“Hi, how was your shower” I asked

“Good, it smells so good” Dylan said

“Thank you” I said

Breakfast was ready and we sat down to eat.

“So, how about we go out tonight to dinner, then come home and watch a movie” Dylan said

“I would love too” I said

“Ok, well what do you want to do before then” Dylan asked

“Well I need a shower, then its up to you” I said

“Ok you go get a shower” Dylan said

“I have to do my hair after” I said

“That is fine, I will wait I have to make some phone calls anyway” Dylan said

I went to get a shower. I got got out and dried my hair then straighten it. I walked downstairs to fine Dylan. I couldn’t find him anywhere. Where could he have gone, then I saw a note.

Dear Sweetheart,

I hope you had a good shower. I am going to leave you clues to where I am. Follow them and you will find me. I’m not far but yet I am go to the place where we met the very first time. Love you bunches. See you soon Dylan.

I grabbed my keys and purse and went to where we met. When I got there I saw another note

I see you found clue number 2. Got to the place where we went on our first date. Dylan

I got to the place a had our first date and found another note.

Here is cute number 3. Go home and look in the bedroom. you have one more clue after this till you find me. Love you Dylan

I go home and got to the bedroom. On the bed was a dress and a note.

Here is the final clue. Put this dress on and meet me in the back yard. See you soon Love you Dylan

I put the dress on and some makeup. I fix my hair. I walk downstairs and outside. There was lights in a shape of a heart and Dylan was standing inside it in a suite. I walk over to him.

“Hi, I see you found all the clues. I had you go to these places because they are special to us. I had you come out here because it is the place a like to sit and look at the stars. I love you lots and would love if you would spend the rest of our lives together. Kimberly Joelle will you marry me” Dylan asked

I was in tears at the end of Dylan’s speech. I looked at him

“Yes, I love you and you are my everything. I would dream of marrying anyone else.” I said

Dylan place the ring on my finger and kissed me like he never has before. I could not believe that had happened.

“So, I made dinner reservations for us.” Dylan said

“Ok where did you get them” I asked

“Well its a surprise” Dylan said

We left to go to the restaurant. When we got there Dylan led the way.

“Reservations for 2 under O’Brien” Dylan said

“Right this way” the hostess said

When we got to the table it said congratulations. We ate dinner and left to go home. When we got there we both went to get comfy cloths on.

“I can’t believe we are engaged” I said

“I can’t either” Dylan said

We cuddled up on the couch and put on a movie. We stayed like that for a while.

A few days later Dylan had to go back to set. I was sad but I knew he would come back to me.

Later that year everything was planed. We were getting Married in a week. I can’t wait. I get to spend the rest of my life with my love.

Today was the day I was getting married. Everything went perfect. Dylan and I were married. We left to go on a honeymoon. When we got back that is when things changed. We had to move. I had to leave everything behind. My job, my friends, my family everything. I was sad but I was with Dylan and he made everything better. I had a could of weeks to prepare for the move. I got to say my goodbyes. I didn’t want to leave. My best friend Mike is where we are moving to so at least I would know someone.

Everything was packed up. We were on the way to our new home. I was glad that we were together. Dylan and I can start our family. Everything happens for a reason and I’m glad that I can experience it Dylan by my side.

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