The Old Phone

It was time to move

I wasn’t very excited about that but the time had come.

I lived alone in a small apartment, I had had this apartment since I turned nineteen.

Gazing around the empty living room and kitchen, I turned and grabbed the last of the boxes behind me.

The tape on one looked like it was going to come off by itself.

I turned back and set the box on the kitchen counter, then left and came back to see the box had opened.

Reaching in the box, I pulled out a phone. I turned it on.

It worked.

I pushed myself up onto the kitchen counter and began scrolling through it.

It seemed to be one of my old phones, so I went to see some of my old photos. As I tapped on the photos app, I froze.

The pictures were of someone else.

The last picture taken was of a girl with wolf ears on her head with a dark haired boy with his arm around a blonde girl at a party.

Was this a joke?

Did my friends steal my old phone then photoshop a bunch of pictures of random people?

I went farther and found a few videos of the same people.

I found out a little later that the girl with the wolf ears was Maddy, the dark haired boy was James, and the blonde girl was Summer.

But I still didn’t believe the videos were real.

People don’t have wolf ears!

And there was no way that someone else’s phone had gotten into my apartment.

I set the phone back in the box, put more tape on, picked it up, and turned away.

But what I didn’t notice was a shadowy figure standing in the center of the living room.

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