By Roberto Nickson @ Unsplash

Your character grows up with this at the end of their backyard. Create a scene that happens here.
I Can’t Think Of A Good Title
I gazed out at the water reflecting the beautiful sunset. It was amazing, like always, but it wasn’t the big thing on my mind.
I pondered again about what had happened at school. Jack was teasing me as usual, but then Gerry punched him for it.
Why did he do it?
I considered this philosophical question for a moment. Maybe Mom would know the answer. Walking inside, I called, “Mom?”
“In the kitchen, honey!”
I wandered over to the island and plopped down on a stool. “Mom, something weird at school happened today.” I explain what happened.
“Has he ever stood up for you before?”
“No, he’s the most popular guy in school. He’s got no time for little not-populars like me.”
“You’re probably very popular dear, but that’s not why I think he punched Jack. I think that maybe he was sick of him teasing you and thinks of you as a friend.”
I sincerely doubted this. I walked out back to the dock and looked out at the sunset. It was even more beautiful than before. Smiling, I decided to talk to him tomorrow.
The sunset was amazing, as I could pay attention to it now.