Write an Epode based on any theme you like.
An Epode is a style of poetry where each verse is two lines which differ in meter and structure, but the second line is always shorter than the first.
An Epode
A single drop of doubt from the vat of worry,
Spills into my mind’s eye.
There it conjures strange images,
Lies I know them to be.
And yet I’m still cast asunder the drift,
Plunging towards the trench
A cavernous space hidden from my wandering thoughts
For this exact reason.
Passing through the fissure, I feel my lungs
Filling with dread.
The pressure squeezes my eardrums together
Until they ring.
And ring they do, with cries
Of agony wrenching my soul.
I throw playful memories behind my eyes
Meant to placate my heart.
Alas, it is too late: my veins rush to pervert them,
Twisting what was said,
What was heard, what was seen until they bear
No emotional resemblance.
A single drop of doubt is all it took
For my mind to lose its head.