Write a story from two different perspectives, paralleling each other in one event.
The pair of characters should ideally be connected, like a killer and a victim.
I watch as she dumps the whole store out on my conveyor belt. I groan to myself as I see she’s even got a bushel of coupons in her hands. I eagerly look at the clock, “At least this is my last checkout for the day. Even if it takes 20 years.” I mumble to myself. A text message dings on my phone, “Don’t be late to the party Matt!” My girlfriend Lulu reminds me. I click the screen off and start scanning.
I dump my cart out and watch the while cashier looks impatient. He shouldn’t be, it is his job to scan items. He looks at his phone and sighs as he starts scanning. I get my bushel of coupons ready as I watch the screen.
My wrist starts hurting but I keep going because that woman is scary. She’s staring into my soul as I fumble around her items for the barcode. I speak to lighten the mood, “Did you find everything okay ma’am?” She ignores me and fumbles around with her coupons. I sigh as I watch the long line of groceries coming down the belt.
I read the boys name tag, Matt, that was his name. I might file a complaint for lack of good service, why? No one wants a cashier who grumbles and complains about having to do their job. I almost smirk to myself as I imagine the yelling at he’d be getting from his manager.
This lady is really scaring me. She read my name tag and then started smirking, what was so funny? I push that thought out of my mind and keep scanning.
My feet start hurting, could this boy take any longer to scan?! We lock eyes for a moment and he looks nervous, I snicker to myself. What a loser. No wonder he’s a simple cashier.
I finally scan the last item and I rejoice. “Your total is $337.64.” I say as the lady begins scanning the screen intently. “Cash or credit?” She pushes out the bushel of coupons instead. “Scan these.” She commands gruffly, and now I start reading them.
This boy is starting to get on my nerves, first he takes all day to scan my stuff, and now he’s about to read each and every coupon I had?! This was ridiculous! I tap my foot on the floor and will him to read faster.
All these coupons were expired and I couldn’t use them. I look at the lady stamping her foot aggressively, moving her head to get her blond swoop out of her eyes, and gulp. “M-Ma’am?” I croak out, my voice shaky. She looks up at me annoyedly, her eyes speaking volumes. “Th-These coupons are expired.” I slide them back to her, and she snatches them back. “What do you mean there expired?! I just got them in the mail the other day!” I wince with every angry word she yells. Her hands fly about as she rants and raves. “Ma’am I’m sorry but-“ She cuts me off. “I want to speak to your manager!” I almost let out a groan, looks like it was going to be one of those days.
The boy nervously looks at me as he speaks up. “M-Ma’am?” His voice shakes and I look at him expectantly. “Th-These coupons are expired.” He shoves them back at me. I carefully take them, “What do you mean? I just got them in the mail the other day.” I say calmly, as I carefully explain myself. “Ma’am I’m sorry but-“ I put my hand up to stop him, “I want to speak to your manager.” The boy rolls his eyes, looks like today is going to be one of those days.