Submitted by Jocelyn Gibby

Your protagonist is a demon from another world, sent to Earth. What are they doing there?

Fantasy had lost its magic.

Fantasy had lost its magic. 

Gravitating to the fantasy section - eyes shut, blinkered.

I felt stifled, in order to grow I needed to dive into other genres.

Arriving in the bookshop by chance, serendipity, fate.

This invitation by Liz to the top floor of Blackwells to hear her interview a new author.

I  journey through the shop, through the genres.

Smells of coffee, polish, new books.

Taking up creative writing giving me  a new appreciation,

Renewed wonder. 

Eyes open wider, soaking things in. A child full of wonder again.

Miles of  books, each a world, each one the authors had spent years creating.

Every word carefully chosen.

Boggled vertigo.

The smiling shop assistants the guide to this magical world. 

Time passes.

Kicking my legs, the air in my lungs pulling me upwards: Returning to fantasy from the dive with lessons learnt.  New weapons to tell my story. Pearls  to connect and talk about real things that are important to me.

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