Write a short story about a birthday party that almost goes wrong.

What almost ruins the day? What saves it?

Chapter 2: Unwanted Guest

Suddenly, I saw my first party guest.

 Rick Jackson. The annoying bully from my school. Our moms have been friends for over two decades and insist we become friends. Too bad Rick is a spoiled brat.

 He’s annoyed me since first grade when he stuck gum in my hair. Took Mom all night to get it out. She said Rick was just playing and joking around. I don’t believe so.

 Ever since then he’s been torturing me. And now he’s here. At my thirteenth birthday party. Great.

 “Why, hello there, buddy boy.” he said in a sing song kind of way. He’s been calling me buddy boy since he heard it on some random tv show a few years back.

 “Hello, Rick.” I said pushing down the urge to punch him. Just then Mom came over.

 “Why, hello Rick.” she said while setting my cake down. It looked like she tried to smudge the letters out, but it just kinda made the cake looked like it’s mascara was running. If cakes wore mascara.

 “Hello, Mrs. Jamison!” Rick said in his fake voice he only uses when adults are around. “Lovely to see you and Alex today.”

 “Great to see you too!” said mom in such a cheerful way it almost made me barf.

 They talked for a few more unbearable minutes until Mom went to greet our next guest.

 Sandy Carmichael. I never really talked to her much. She’s usually studying in the library during lunch and reading books. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that. I’ve just never really talked to her cause she’s pretty shy.

 “Hi.” she said trying to blurt it out as quick as possible.

 “Hey.” I said. She then quickly walked away to a corner. She pulled out a book and started reading.

 More and more guests poured in. Some neighbors. Some classmates. A few people I met at summer camp.

 “Time for games!” said one of the workers leading us over to the arcade. This is what I’d been waiting for. Time for some mischief.

I’m definitely making chapter 3 lol.

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