Inspired by BlueInk

"You loved me so fiercely that I burned; now, you'll only be left with ashes."

Write a poem that contains this line. You may modify it as you see fit, but the sentiment should remain similar to the original quote.


Meeting you felt like a spark Kindling catching fire. The catalyst that started it all. Sparking ember; light flashes Delight and glee at the power of it all. Life starting. As we picked up speed, We lost control We lost ourselves We lost the magic. The twinkle of possibility Turned into fear Of what we could become. The fire was not contained. It kept spreading We did not how to slow it down How to stop it How to control it. Molten lava dripped down Leaving behind a barren mountain. Burnt trees and homes Destruction. You loved me so fiercely that I burned, Now you’ll only be left with ashes. I hope you learned the risks of playing with fire.
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