It’s Been Awhile

I’m one day out of a five year sentence.

I’m harder, I’m stronger. I feel no repentance.

Nobody here waiting, no hugs on release.

Jus worn shoes, a few dollars, a ratty old fleece.

I walk into that diner with a jail attitude.

The waitress is polite so of course I was rude.

I’m eager to get home get back in the mix.

Itching to get back on track and up to old tricks.

Nobody here worries if I live or die so who the fuck cares?

I’m angered by scornful looks, whispers, suspicious stares.

I turn and see another face, her eyes soft and kind

She seems to have a lot to speak, some thoughts on her mind.

“The coffees good” she says. “But I can’t recommend the food.”

A smile escapes my face. It seems she’s altered my mood.

“is that so?” I ask, feeling better I think. “So what do I try?”

“Well, The omelette disappoints, she winks. Try the key lime pie.”

In the world where I’ve been caged, looks equal threats, harm or danger.

I sometimes forget how easy it was to say hello to a stranger.

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