"The door is locked."
Write a story that includes this piece of speech. Consider if the locked door is keeping someone/thing in or out.
To Live, To Die
Sophie attempted to open the door once more pulling the handle with all her might. “It still won’t budged.” She looked up at me tears began to stream down her eyes. “Jolie, what’s going to happen?” Her voice quivered as she asked me this question. I turned my head away from her nor daring to look her in the eyes. She didn’t know, did she?
Me and my sister were different from most humans, we had a gift, a magic gift. Around one precent of humans are born with this power. A power that gave you the ability to do magic— although since we are only humans, we can’t do very powerful magic, and to even learn basic magic we would need a trainer who was a very powerful mage. But that didn’t matter to the elves, they had been ruling over humans for centuries, and when they found people who possessed this magic gift, they whould kill them to get rid of any chance humans may have of rebelling against them. The elves where cruel, they’d use humans as entertainment before killing them. They’d lock people in a stadium and release a monster know as Azog. And while the humans tried to fight for their lives, the elves whould sit on their behinds and watch the human’s life get taken. No human has ever made it out alive.
Around a week ago, the elves had captured me and Sophie, my sister. They brought use to human camps and locked us in a wooden cabin. They hardly gave us food and water, many people here had died. We where lucky we weren’t dead. Yet.
The sun had began to set one evening as footsteps approached the door to cabin. _Who could that be? _We had just been giving food an hour before. The footsteps stopped and a letter was slind under our door. Then, whoever had been there left. I picked up the letter and began to read it. My heart stopped, the letter stated that tomorrow we where being brought in to preform for the elves. We whould have to fight Azog.
That brings me to where I am now, trying tell Sophie the truth. “Sophie,” My voice cracked, I myself was beginning to cry, “Azog…” I couldn’t finish my sentence and I didn’t need to. Sophie looked at me her whole face looked white, as if she had just seen a ghost. She understood what was happening. “Jolie, we are going to die, aren’t we?” Sophie wishpered this as if that would make the situation seem better. “The only thing we can do now,” I gulped, “Is fight.” I said this just as the doors began to squeak open. I was time.
Me and Sophie walked out of the doors, our hearts heavy. We knew that with each step we took we were closer to our fate— death. We looked around, there was no Azog. “Before we release Azog,” a deep voice came from a nearby speaker, “We will spare one life. One life that will then be used to severe the elven prince.” I looked at Sophie.
It was time. Not for me and Sophie to die, though. It was time for just me too, only one person had to go out and fight, the other would be held back and used as an elven servant. I didn’t know which was worse, but I knew that a life without Sophie was no life worth living. I took a step forward, I would fight. “Then,” came a he deep voice, “let the fight begin.” I heard Sophie’s screams as the door behind me locked and the door which held Azog opened.
The rumors where true, Azog was a hideous creature his skin was a pinkish color and he had more scars and wounds on him than a hedgehog has quills. Not only that, but he was huge, at least three times more size. The round started and I was handed an old worn out sword to use to fight Azog. Not that it mattered, end the end I’ll die. But I guess that end the end everyone does. Azog came running at me I held the sword tightly in my hand and swung the sword as came within its reach. I had cut a deep wound in his right leg. But I wasn’t fast enough to doge the beaten up club that he’d swung at me.
I saw my love flash before my eyes. There wasn’t much to see. But I what I did see made me smile. I saw Sophie, she was my only family. And knowing that she would get to love was worth everything.