
It was dark and stormy. The crew of the Great Diamond were tired and hungry, their faces pouring with sweat. “Crew, we fight like true men” Captain Barnacles voice paraded over the ship “Our suffering ends now, our families and friends will be proud and we will fight like warriors, now let us seize the beast” A young boy grabbed his cutlas ready to fight. A woman with long golden hair wearing a long sheet of linen tied with a rope left the captains quarters, “Benjamin.” She called “Be safe” the boy nodded hugging his mother and headed towards the rest of the crew “Atlas” Barnacles called out “Stay with the mrs. If you know what I mean” he jeered smiling a large sleazy smile to the woman. Her expression was emotionless and her body stiff as she walked back into the captains quarters, her newfound ‘bodyguard’ guarding the door. “Let us fight”

And eerily quiet sound echoed in the wind. Then a crash, large green tentacles threaded against the boat,, guns were shot and cutlasses thrown but it’s skin was too thick, the boy headed towards the captain clutching his weapon close. The monster cried out a roar slashing the crew into their doom. The boy were’s closer to the captain ready to strike, “you killed my father, and now you’ve ruined my mother” he smiled, almost pounding his weapon into his heart until the beast slashed against the captain killing him instantaneously. Then there was peace. The ship was broken and filled with restless bodies, the monster was quiet, resting it’s tentacles onto the ship. The boy nervously touched it, it’s rough skin making contact. Then it disappeared, leaving a rowing boat behind. The boy went to look for his mother and to her surprise she was alive. She smiled as she embraced him, walking towards the small boat. They set off to find land, the sea monster gifting them food along the way. And the rest is just fantasy.

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