Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


25 December

Dear Diary,

The day didn’t feel like the day it was supposed to be today.

The closest I got to seasonal Christmas cheer was admiring the airport decorations— I particularly loved the red stockings scotch-taped to the terminal window. I always wonder what it’s like to be the worker tasked with decorating an airport. I hope it’s a highlight of their year; I’d like to think it would be a highlight for me.

It also doesn’t feel like I’m here for a wedding. Excitement is in the air, but it feels forced, and it slowly falls down and down like too much spray from a can of air freshener.

During dinner, Alison spokd to us privately about her frustrations over the wedding. Her name isn’t on the invitation and she’s not even seated near the bride and groom even though she’s paying for most of it. Nuptials will always be an emotional affair, but you would hope these big wrinkles were ironed out by now.

Dinner conversation then shifted over to the takeover of the shopping center from Loui’s office. I don’t know how the lawsuit is panning out, but it looks like Morgan and I will be splitting things 80-20. Even given the way Alison just jumps from one thing to the next, I wasn’t prepared for so much whiplash during Christmas dinner.

I hope there’s still snow at home. It really is too bad Daisy and I couldn’t see the park district light display this year; it’s insane that they shut it off right on the 26th. I wish I could have savored this season more before I knew I realized I had something worth savoring. I really hope there’s still snow at home.

Till next time,


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