Submitted by TheQuillPen
Write a poem about giving up.
It doesn’t have to be negative, it can be about giving up something or someone that’s been holding you back.
Letting Go
I stare up at the sunset, watching as the colors drown the sky
My memories can’t help but flit to the life that’s passed me by
Despite the emptiness in my eyes, I can’t bring myself to cry
Sometimes it’s peaceful to let go, to dive into the dark
A feeling of calm enveloping my heart
In my mind I say goodbye, to those who never knew me, but never knew why
They’re fools for letting me go, but in the end this life was never their show
The mask slides off, slipping away in the wind
With tears at last in my eyes, I let my fresh start begin
The person I was has gone to her grave
Finally done seeking the perfection she craved
Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes of my past
Leaving my troubles far away, beyond the looking glass
This world can never hurt me again
For now I’ve at last let go, my friend