“I never belonged here anyway.”
Write a story that ends with a character saying this.
The accused
Wait a second, what you trying to saying is that it was me who took your belongings from the cupboard. Are you accusing me, coz then I have to call the police.
While all this discussion was going on, Peter my room mate, who just lost valuable things from his cupboard, rang the police to report about the burglary.
The police arrived after 10 minutes and enquired about the whole thing. They wrote down the details about when and how Peter knew about the burglary and does he suspect anyone close to him.
As I am his room mate, Peter told the police that last time he left the room, it was me in the room.
The police obviously had to question me as according to him was the last one to be in the room. I told them that after Peter left the room, I got a call from my girlfriend to come round her place. So I wasn't here and I don't know nothing about it.
The police took down the details and called me to the police station next morning. After the police had left I showed my disgust at Peter for accusing me and told him before, I never belonged here anyway.