Write a story simply titled 'The Alternative'.
What could this story be about?
The Other Side of Me
A new day has risen, but am I still "her". The other one inside me, I stare at the ceiling not wanting to look in the mirror. I'm scared to see my face to see if "she" is still a part of me. The shock came my face as fast as I looked up; such long dark firey red hair hang in my face. Dark maroon colored my lips up against the firey red of my skin
I've never seen this side of me before and I know it's not who I truly am. I begin to inspect my hand and notice the long nails that grow longer when I stretch out my fingers. Who have I become, is this a dream? Oh please let it be, but suddenly, this
aching upset inside me, not understanding why this has happened to me, what did I ever do wrong to deserve this. What type of witchery is this! Or could it be something else, could it be that something deeper does exist... I thought back to my last memory, Justin, holding me close and going in to kiss me slowly but suddenly a noise from afar, something rang inside my ears. A call from someone I needed to respond to, someone who... Controlled me. That's it! But who, who is it that controls me, and why would they do this to me?