Morning surprise

I took a deep inhale and blinked my eyes open, rolling over. The sun was streaming through my curtains. It was Sunday. Awesome. As I rolled over, something hard in my bed hit my arm. My slightly closed eyes snapped open and I looked beside me. It was a.. sketchbook? But it wasn't mine. I mean, sure, I know I have a lot of sketchbooks, but I'm pretty sure I didn't have one that was gilded in gold. I sat up and held it up to the light, examining it. It was gold, with a black symbol in the middle of the cover. What the hell was this doing in my bed? I opened it and flipped through the pages. The ivory pages were thick... and blank. I got to the middle of the sketchbook when I saw something in small writing. Right in the middle of the page were handwritten coordinates. I grabbed my phone and looked the coordinates up. The exact intersection where my mom had passed away a year prior...

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