Looking Down

My daddy built this swing for me.

Actually we built it together. Mummy protested of course, kept saying about how irresponsible daddy was, that she didn’t want her little girl dangling in the air, a slip away from the death. But daddy protested said i was responsible enough to not swing to high.

So we started building.

Metal reinforced bars attached to the top mouth of the cave obviously, safety precautions and whatnot. Made mummy feel better about the whole thing. Iron chains, wooden seat. And then it was done.

It was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen.

And I’ve seen a lot of beautiful things in my life.

I have been sitting on it for the past 6 hours looking over the city like some type of angel. My butt is incredibly sore but I don’t care.

I love my city.

I love my mummy.

I love my daddy.

I love my swing.

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