Comfortable Silence
Write a poem with this theme. Silence is often described as something negative; instead explore it in a positive light.
I love our silences.
The unspoken
Current of thought flowing,
Enveloping the room.
My mind drifts, alighting
On various cool, smooth pebbles
Like a river feeling out its edges.
I love the serenity,
Sleepy and warm
That comes over me.
We trade our wordless sentences
For an eternity.
Before we part,
I cut you from myself like
A flower from a stem.
Because as much as I enjoy
This intricate ritual of ours,
I hate our silences,
Hate that I can’t let out all the
Horrible clogging things.
I choke on them,
I drown,
In every “I miss you, I miss you, I _miss_ you”,
In every aching pause,
In every word that I traded for the ones
That I really wanted to say.
So I mention a stupid book
Or a stupid fly on the wall,
And you trade emptiness with me,
And I burn from the inside out
With unsaid, unsaid, _unsaid_.
I love you, and
You are so beautiful, and
Hold me. For the love of everything,
I need to know that I exist
Outside of my own head.
I am besieged within my own
Useless propriety, my own
Carefully crafted.
I can’t speak to you.
Can’t even do this small thing,
This tiny thing—
I miss you,
And it’s spilling over.
And I cannot stay silent,
Cannot breathe.
I fold inwards,
A quiet crisis,
Painful but brief,
As I have done a million times before.
I leave feeling defeated,
Like I’m
Still waiting.
It’s killing me, love.
Our silence is
Killing me.