Class Clown

I’m so glad that you think I’m funny

So glad I could make you smile

I’ve grown numb to it, it’s been

Like this for a while

I went from ignorable

To annoying

From studious silence

To raucous laughter


It was



I was so glad my grades were good

I was happy to assist

With any schoolwork,

I would quickly check it off the list

But here’s the thing about people:

Smart kids pay the price

No one likes to feel inferior

Intelligence can be a vice

The fall

(Or perhaps rise)

From my pedestal

Happened quickly

A straight ‘b’ student is

Less intimidating,

You’ll find

With the stress of schoolwork lifted

My voice began to rise

A wild, disruptive sense of humor

Was something I realized

Here’s the thing -

I don’t have to fit in the box

No two words

Smart girl

Funny girl

No one word



Can define me

I can be everything

And if I want

I don’t have to be anything at all



Was the only lesson I ever needed to learn

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