The Boat

As the hazy light filtered through the trees like rich coffee into a pot of frothing milk, Talulah Hart fiddled with the warped wooden handle as it slipped and slid away from her fingertips as though it were drenched with the tears and mucus of some tricky goblin from a children’s story. When the old fashioned lock finally gave in she felt into the familiar dryness of bilge, it was even collecting dust. She sighed into the crackling shadows,watching them blur together as the boat rocked forwards and back. The fact was that she was so desperate to open it that now the victory seemed pointless. What was in there now was in there yesterday too. In fact more of it was in there twelve and a half ago. Cursing into the darkness,she slammed the door shut and was struck instantly by the fresh stench of mildew. Talulah guessed that a whole other world must live on the other side of the boat but she wasn’t about to flip it over and find out. Instead she looked up into the hazy light and thought about heaven but more as a word than a concept until the stars caved in from the lowest corners of the sky and danced down over her. That was how she spent the next two weeks,fourteen days and 500 hours.

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