A person realises that their partner is involved in a cult, and is slowly trying to indoctrinate them...

The Underground (Part 2)


Katylid stood in a dark corner in the

Underground council meeting, eyes searching as the members sat down, chatting with each other until the Sector Leader, General, came. No one cast her any glances. They were used to her avoiding behavior.

Quick Lips, Hare, and Queen were sitting in a the left corner of the large steel table. Quick Lips and Hare were playing some kind of card game, probably Kingdom. Queen was glaring at Katylid, her gaze flaring and her face fuming.

She was obviously still angry about the events yesterday.

Katylid ignored her. She had meant what she said. The Dark One was real, powerful, and good. Katylid had seen it with her own eyes.

And still saw it.

And she had no intention of letting go of the deity and Thomas. Sweet, sweet Thomas.



Through his closed eyes, Lull could know everything spoken and unspoken. Yes, he couldn’t see characteristics of them, but their emotional aura was all that he really needed.

His eyes reacted horribly with lights anyway.

The council meeting started off alright, though he could tell that something was going on. The emotions around Queen were a pulsing mass of red thorns and crackling fire. Anger. And the thorns of anger were angling themselves to Katylid.

Lull didn’t like Katylid; something was wrong with her emotionally. Her aura was a wispy thing, all flat and limp. It hardly ever moved or shifted; it just lay there, broken.

He returned his attention to the matter at hand: Chief was trying to convince General to allow some units to go and search for some more Empowereds—people like us with strange abilities—before the Dark One took them and their powers.

The council was quite, their overall aura a soft blue light waiting in anticipation. It was still a bit red on Queen’s side, but her’s was softening, distracted by what would happen next.

General’s aura flared at the idea, turning a greenish-red. Jealously and anger. Lull didn’t exactly know why that combination was there.

“No. We already have risked enough people, and the Dark One and his followers are waiting for any breach on our side. It’s too dangerous,” a thud sounded, probably General’s fist punching the table, “We can’t let it happen now, we have to wait.”

Chief’s aura was a quiet thing, he knew how to control his emotions—inside and outside. It annoyed Lull just a tiny bit; the man couldn’t know what the other was feeling, chipping his pride in what he did best.

“I understand, that is why I want to gather a small group of trusted Undergrounders to complete this task,” Chief’s voice was calm, steady.

That seemed to anger General even more. His aura turned a blotchy, bumpy bloody red. It took an almost three-dimensional shape as it grew and spread, causing everyone’s aura, everyone expect Chief and Katylid, to shrink back and turn a pale shade of blue.

Lull sighed and decided to intervene between what was about to be an awful display of the anger of men.

He reached out a mental hand and stroked the delicate sides of the auras, peace, calm on his mind.

It took a moment, a quiet moment where Lull felt Chief’s hot gaze on him, but the auras turned back to a gentle pale gray.

“Thank you for that, Lull,” Chief said, before continuing the conversation at hand, “I understand where you are coming from, General, but I do ask you to think about it. Overnight, maybe?”

General’s anger came back, furious than ever. It branched out to Lull, but then curled in on itself and turning into a flushed pink. It went full on force for Chief, though, clawing at Chief’s aura as if it could kill him.

“Ah,” Lull muttered, “that’s why.”

A chair scraped against the floor. “Meeting dismissed!”


_(Maybe make a part 3. Bleh. Schoool_


_Thanks for reading and have an amazing day!)_

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