Write exactly 100 words about the face of someone that you love.

How can you condense an impression of someone that you love into exactly this word limit?

My Cat

He’s grey, black, brown. His soft face grey, jagged black stripes, the forehead M pattern on any tabby. Narrow brown cheeks, terracotta nose for booping, freckles, long white whiskers like needles that pierce the soul. A face that begs for affection. Round absinthe eyes lined with pale beige, reflecting light and love. Slits for pupils that widen in excitement, darting curiously, always watching, stealing my heart. Ears forward, turning, scanning, listening. Pink velcro tongue surrounded by sharp white teeth. Spotted mouth, content mewing, whiskers twitching. Slow blink, a symbol of love. Roaring purr and sandpaper kiss.
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