‘Still today, the song of the birds can be heard outside the window'
Write a poem that concludes with this line. What topics and themes might be explored in a poem with this ending?
It started out bright
Full of light
The bold marks of Sunday
And refracting sunrays
Pouring through the window
And through the pond water to the minnows
The trees soaked up the love
And kisses from the sun
The animals played
All throughout the day
Then came winter
The curtains tightly closed
The season had changed
Now I only see snow
Only a blank canvas
Of white and dark grey
No more spirit
Shouting what it has to say
I close the curtains
There is no more to see
You aren’t there anymore
It is just me
I’m sure there were signs
Like the leaves turning red
But I still followed you
Down the long trail of dread
Sometimes I peek outside
Seeing if there’s anything left
But it’s just a cloud of nothing
Not even places we used to rest
Sometimes I hear noises
Like flutters and flurries
But I block out any hope
And continue to mope
Because if I believe you’d show up at my door
I would sit there and watch, not moving anymore
I let go
Tell myself no
Push away the curtains
And look into the unknown
All is white
Snow on the ground
Not even a footprint
To be found
Then I look deeper
And see more than sorrow
White is all colors
From violet to yellow
Red to blue
I still love you
But I move on
And see what’s deeper
Than the trails I walked on
White reflects
All in my eyes
During this harsh winter
I will survive
Until the dandelions give me signs
I will enjoy the bright colors, just outside
I open the door
And unlock my heart
Hearing sounds once muffled
And understand my part
Still today, the sound of the birds can be heard outside my window
Even if I can’t see their wings
I know they are there, waiting for me
I no longer have to be alone
I can trudge through the snow
Until the sun stops the show
And gives the clear signs
Of what can be truly mine