Need To Know

“I need to know.”

“Why are you doing this? Why right now?”

“Oh I’m sorry is there a more convenient time for me to ask how my parents died?!”

“Sarah you are about to go through a seriously dangerous medical-“

“I know! Tell me now! Do you want me to possibly die without that closure?!”

“Please don’t talk like that.”

“If you care about me then you know I need this. Please just tell me.”

“You already know everything. They made enemies with the wrong person. He had them killed.”

“You know what I mean Derek! Tell me how.”

“How will this help you?!”

“Tell me! Did he pay someone?”

“No. No he did it himself.”

“Well at least he had the balls. How did he kill them?”

“Christ Sarah!”

“Did he shoot them? Stab them? Poison?”

“Derek spit it out now I don’t have much time.”

“With his hands.”

“I told you. This isn’t want you want.”

“He killed my parents with his hands?!”


“He really hated them.”


“How did he take them both at the same time?”

“He…your mother was…she couldn’t fight back.”

“What? Why?”



“She had just given birth. She was too weak from losing blood and the trauma that she couldn’t defend herself.”

“Oh God.”

“Are you ok? Let me call the doctor.”

“No! Not yet. You are telling me they were killed the same day I was born? All those days spent at foster homes wishing my birthday would have been celebrated like it actually mattered.”

“It’s does matter. Sarah you matter. You can do this, you can come out of this stronger than ever. Then you can find that man and kill him, and I’ll be right there to help you.”

“I am tired of not being told the truth. I don’t want anything else held from me. Promise me.”


“What? What is it Derek?”

“You should get ready for the procedure.”

“Don’t stop now Derek please tell me everything.”

“Sarah I know this is a lot for you and you have been going through so much. The last thing you need is more problems.”

“Derek please just tell me.”

“I wasn’t lying. That night in the bar. When I said I was drawn to you. It wasn’t some ploy. I love you Sarah. I have since I first met you.”

“Derek I…”

“We are ready to begin anesthesia for the procedure.”

“I’ll be there in just a second just wait.”

“No Sarah don’t worry about this. Just…just get through this and wake back up ok?”

“I will. It will be ok.”

“Yeah. Yeah it will.”

“Ma’am we need to start soon. Follow me please.”

“Ok. Ok.”

“Sir, were you here with a Sarah Knotts?”

“Yes I was. Is she ok? How did the procedure go?”

“There were some complications. I’m sorry to tell you this but her body didn’t take well to the medicine. Her organs did not compensate like we expected. Ms. Knotts died on the operating table.”


“Sir please take a seat. Take deeper breaths.”

“Sir! Sir! Can you hear me? Someone get a crash cart out here now!”

“What happened?”

“I think he’s going into shock.”

“Any history of heart problems?”

“I don’t have a chart on him.”


“We are closing him.”




“Call it.”

“Time of death 8:45 am.”

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