Inspired by Bri loves apples
Your 'emotions' are people living inside your body, who react to the situations you experience to ultimately decide how you feel about things.
Write a story where these 'emotions' are reacting to something you are experiencing. You could write it like a dialogue, or as a narrative of what they're doing to decide which emotion you feel.
The Speech
Guilt looked down at her feet sheepishly, wondering whether it would be possible to let the ground swallow her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise—“ Guilt started
“No, I don’t want to hear it, you’re on probation,” Loathing interrupted, advancing towards the dreaded button.
“No please, Loathing I didn’t mean it,” Guilt pleaded, kneeling at Loathing’s feet
“Oh my god you’re so embarrassing,” Disgust interjected
“Guys can we please focus! Jenna still has to deliver the speech and the dials are almost at mental breakdown!” Calm soothed the wild Emoteople.
Jenna twiddled her thumbs, beads of sweat pouring like rain from her forehead, palms clammy and neck drier than the Sahara. Mr Evangeli, her boss, seemed to be moving in slow motion, gesturing towards her. Subconsciously, she began to move towards him as he beckoned her over to the podium
“SHIT, THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING,” Panic began to stop drop and roll in a decidedly tucked position. She was sprawled and flailing, limbs protruding rather comically from her writhing body.
“I know! I can’t wait,” Excitement giggled and chortled like a toddler.
By this time, the Emotentre had become completely overcrowded and the MMS ( Mind Main System ) had begun to move into the breakdown zone. Calm pushed Emoteople aside, sprinting towards the override button. Rather unexpectedly, the hub received a notification there was an error with the lungs and breathing had become laboured.
Jenna began to feel incredibly faint, stumbling slightly as she continued towards that dreaded wooden stand.
In the nick of time, Clam reached the override station and without stopping to catch her breath, collided against it.
Jenna began to see double, feeling her body gradually begin to shut down. Her legs felts like jelly, disintegrating underneath her as she entered into a nirvana like slumber.
The Emoteople began to evacuate, barrelled off into the pods and sent to be exhaled. Calm panted, slumping against the wall as Loathings shouts became fainter and fainter.