
“We need to get out of here, now!” Sam’s rushed whisper seems to echo in the dimly lit alley.

I hesitate for a beat and look around. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and I break into a full sprint. Someone saw us.

My feat beat against the pavement panting as I run full speed to the meeting point. I need to run more when I get back to the compound.

I use the shadows to my advantage as I move. Nearing the abandoned warehouse we’ve been using as a safe house. I check I’m clear before I enter.

Sam is leaning against the wall with a shit-eating grin.

“What the hell Sam?” I pant. He just chuckles, “what can I say, I love the excitement.”

I roll my eyes and pace, trying to catch my breath.

Yeah, I definitely need to run more.

“Sam, what is Nox going to say when we don’t return with the diamond, huh?”

He just shrugs like he doesn’t even care. Of course he doesn’t care, Nox won’t do anything to his nephew. Me on the other hand, I’m fair game.

“Okay, I’m going to go get it.” I sigh and turn towards the door.

Sam’s muscled hand closes around my bicep.

“You can’t,” fear blazes in his eyes, “they’re out there, and looking for you.”

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